Installing the OS

The OS version used on Raspberry Pi 3 is Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2. The ROS version is Kinetic Kame. Kinetic was released early last year and is compatible with Ubuntu Mate 16.04.

Pre Built Image

There is a prebuilt image with Ubuntu MATE 16.04.2 and ROS Kinetic at the German Robot webpage, made in February 2017. This is the fastest way to get the job done.

Prepare yourself the Image

If you want to do it yourself, then follow these steps:

  • Download Ubuntu Mate image for raspiberry 2/3 - Version 16.04 (Xenial)
  • Use Etcher <> or Win32 Disk Imager <> _ to burn the image to the SD card.
  • how to the partitioning (to be completed)
  • you might need to resize the image if your disk is larger then 8GB. You can easily do it with raspi-config or gparted.
  • plug the SD card and HDMI cable, then power on the board.

Setting Up the OS

It might be required to setup the OS (TO BE DONE)

  • which basics packages to install
  • how to setup the wireless
  • main depedencies to intall
  • setup automatic login
  • how to enable the rpi pins and protocols (i2c, gpio, pwm, spi,camera etc)

Image is ready ! let’s install ROS!